Rigging Training

Crane: Rigging
Course Description: Our course is designed to meet OSHA’S new crane compliance standard, for qualified riggers. A qualified rigger is defined as a qualified person who, by possession of recognized degree, certificate or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to rigging. A qualified rigger is needed during assembly/disassembly of cranes (1926. 1404(r)(1)), when employees are engaged in hooking , unhooking, or guiding the load, or in the initial connection of a load to a component or structure and are within the fall zone (1926. 1425(c)).
Course Content:
• Basic Rigging Principles
• Rigging Component Identification
• Mathematical Calculations
• Sling Selection
• Rigging Inspection
• Wire Rope and Chain Design
• Proper Rigging Techniques